Monday 23 April 2012

worth a thousand words

Just watched this amazing film clip: it’s hypnotising and made me stop the housework for a full 4 minutes. It's great photos of now and then, an awesome song too!

There are some blurry booby images, so avert the kiddies eyes if you are so inclined.

Made me think of my own childhood photos, most of which would need blurring too given I was very anti-clothes.

Wouldn’t it be great to take some photos like this with your siblings now? We all use photos for the standard dragging out and embarrassing kids at birthdays as they get older, some ‘scrappers’ use them to make amazing artwork. I love using kid’s photos to help them with worries and learning new skills. 

When kids start school, a great idea is to make a story out of their photos of the new things that have done in the past- first swim, day at kindy, poop in the potty! You can then create the story of how they faced new things in the past, how at first it was a little scary or worrying but soon it became natural.

I love this kind of visual work with kids, who are by nature visual learners. Carol Gray’s Social Stories TM( are an extended form of this story telling, and are fantastic for children with anxiety, on the Autism Spectrum or any child who is struggling to learn a new skill. Photos of kids doing the activity work best, but If you don’t have a photo don’t let that stop you being a Social Story Teller. Download some pics on the web, or some of my best Social Stories have been spur-of-the moment stick men completed by the kids themselves. 

Now back to talking about siblings - have to link to food somehow! My sister and I used to love to cook together. We would pretend we had our own cooking show. I don't remember what we used to actually cook. But we remember the shows!
This recipe is one of our favourites, it's from the fabulous Edmonds Cookbook.

Recipe here: Afghan Biscuits

I make the icing without butter. Mainly because when we made it as kids we used up all the butter in the recipe! But I think it makes it even more delicious.

Holly Treechange

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